Everyday performance rules for Ruby on Rails developers - RorVsWild
14-Dec-2023 862
Delve into best practices for HTTP, Ruby on Rails, and databases, and discover when to adhere to the rules or when breaking them could set your code apart.This post takes inspiration from Visual design rules you can safely follow every time by Anthony Hobday.Here, we’re talking about performance rules you can safely follow every time. As with any rules, you are free to break them. You may need a good reason to do so.We are covering some best practices for HTTP, Ruby, and the database layers so that most applications with decent traffic can improve their response time. Some of these practices can be obvious to experienced developers. Your applications are on good Rails if you already know and use them all.
Everyday performance rules for Ruby on Rails developers - RorVsWild #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Everyday #performance #rules #Rails #developers #RorVsWild #developers #performance https://rubyonrails.ba/link/everyday-performance-rules-for-ruby-on-rails-developers-rorvswild