State of the Ruby Gems
18-Jan-2024 804
We’re proud to say’s uptime has been uninterrupted for over 8 and a half years since Ruby Together, and then Ruby Central, began funding maintenance on RubyGems. With 147,326,326,048 total gem downloads, 181,745 users, and an average of 2 billion requests per weekday as of October 2023, this has been no easy feat. Security Lead on RubyGems and Ruby Central’s AWS Security Engineer in Residence Samuel Giddins gave a talk at RubyConf 2023 outlining the history of the vital gem hosting service used by Rubyists every day, and all that it has taken to “keep the lights on” at, then and now.
State of the Ruby Gems #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #State #gems