Participating in programming language's evolution during interesting times
08-Feb-2023 835
Every year, on December 25, a new Ruby version is released. In 2022, Ruby reached version 3.2.Every year since 2018 (Ruby 2.6), I follow the release with a “comprehensive changelog”: the description and explanation of all notable changes in the language with examples and links.This is not a small amount of work and typically takes several weeks, if not more. Frequently, it also leads to noticing minor glitches in new features, behaviors, and docs and reporting or fixing those glitches.This is just one of the ways I am involved in Ruby’s development.Last year, I did a comprehensive write-up on this involvement, which e.
Participating in programming language's evolution during interesting times #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Participating #programming #language's #evolution #during #interesting #times #programming