• Rekognition is a new Amazon Web Service that “makes it easy to add image analysis to your applications.” It can detect faces and objects, and even let you store libraries of faces for future recognition.

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  • When I was 15 years old, I dreamed of being able to develop bots. The story behind was terribly simple, – back then it was way too popular among us (the little nerds) 

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  • The Ruboto team is pleased to announce the release of Ruboto 1.5.0.. Ruboto (JRuby on Android) is a platform for developing full stand-alone apps for Android using the Ruby language and libraries

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  • I don't have a degree in computer science. Lots of us Rubyists don't. So for a long time I avoided learning about big-O notation. It looks a little too much like higher math. I mean: O(N^2). Come on.

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  • Working on an oldish Rails project, I came across some smelly ActiveRecord code that begged for some refactoring love. I also spent some time speeding up pages with slow/many database calls.

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