• Working on an oldish Rails project, I came across some smelly ActiveRecord code that begged for some refactoring love. I also spent some time speeding up pages with slow/many database calls.

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  • We've been using and deploying Rails applications since 1.0. In the beginning, Rails performance was really looked down on and wasn't really defended. 

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  • Hey guys! What if we wrote a web application similar to a typical rails-application? I.e. it will have MVC, routing, migrations, some configs, all in all, everything like it's supposed to be (or purposed, whatever you like). But all this will be a very-very simplified version of our favorite framework.

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  • Microservices are small programs that handle one task. A microservice that is never used is useless though — it’s the system on the whole that provides value to the user. Microservices work together by communicating messages back and forth so that they can accomplish the larger task.

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  • At RubyKaigi I caught up with MatzKoichi, and Aaron Patterson aka Tenderloveto talk about Ruby 3x3 and our path so far to reach that goal. We discussed Koichi’s guild proposal, just-in-time compilation and the future of Ruby performance.

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