• Mittsu makes 3D graphics easier by providing an abstraction over OpenGL, and is based heavily off of THREE.js. No more weird pointers and wondering about the difference between a VAO and a VBO (besides the letter). Simply think of something awesome and make it!

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  • You already know how to use modules in Ruby, but are you abusing them? In this post, we’ll take a look at different ways to program with modules and why they may or may not be a great idea.

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  • Nowadays, there are hundreds of both start-ups and well-established companies looking for expert Rails developers to assist them to bring their thoughts to the web faster and efficiently. Popular taste trending analysis’ have shown just how revolutionary the shift in the Rails job marketplace has been in the last 5 years:

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  • The primary advantage of Ruby On Rails development is that you need not to write the same line of code again and again, which is a wastage of time. In other words, it automates repetitive and time-consuming tasks so that the developers can emphasize resolving business issues. 

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  • Ruby on Rails is getting readily accepted in this highly revolutionary digital era, owing to its intrinsic system that approves responsive development of web applications and cost competent use.

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