The Benefits of Materialized Views (and how to use them in your Ruby on Rails project)
When I first heard about materialized views, my mind was kind of blown. “So, I can write a SQL query and the results can be stored as its own table (and live on disk?)”. If that puppy lives in-memory, it’s GOT TO BE faster then having to dig into ...
Good News! You No Longer Need to Generate Documentation Manually
No one likes to manually produce documentation. It takes too much time. It’s hard to use the right forms. And it’s just plain boring.And yet, it’s critically important to produce up-to-date documentation. Most front-end developers don’t understand...
Avoiding Network Calls In Rails Tests Without Using Mocks, Stubs or VCR - Code with Jason
An important principle of testing is that tests should be deterministic. The passing or failing of a test shouldn’t depend on the date it was run, whether any certain other tests ran before it, or whether some condition outside the application cha...