Deploying a Rails 5.2 PostgreSQL app on AWS Elastic Beanstalk
It’s official, having used Heroku for all my Rails projects so far spoiled me rotten. After receiving some AWS credits thanks to a pitch competition, I decided to deploy my latest project on Elastic Beanstalk (AWS’ Heroku competitor), and all I ha...
Ruby metaprogramming for beginners → Elixir-like specs
Erlang and hence Elixir are dynamically typed languages. They both have extended abilities to type check in compile time using typespecs. Here are an introduction and more detailed documentation.Basically one might declare the specification of the...
Routes in Ruby on Rails Using Resources and Records to Define Urls
Ruby on Rails has a set of pre-built helper methods to create routes for web pages in your application. While they can be simple to get started, they can be configured to generate a range of customisable routes and pages for your web.
A Beginner's Guide to Service Objects for Ruby on Rails
Rails follows a Model-View-Controller pattern. This raises questions around where programming logic should go once a Ruby on Rails application reaches a certain size. Generally, the principles are:Forget fat Models (don’t allow them to become bloa...