Using Que instead of Sidekiq
21-Mar-2019 2109
A project I've had on the back burner for quite awhile is my own little marketing automation tool. Not that existing tools like Drip or ConvertKit aren't adequate, of course. They do the job and do it well.I enjoy owning my own infrastructure, however, and after Drip changed direction and raised prices I found myself without a home for my mailing list. I thought, why not now?One vital component of any broadcast email system is fanout, where you merge the message you want to send with the list of people that should receive it. The easiest way to fanout is to just loop over the list of recipients and enqueue a job for each:.
Using Que instead of Sidekiq #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Using #instead #Sidekiq #sidekiq