Piotr Murach - Writing a Ruby Gem Specification
08-Oct-2022 1042
I created my very first Ruby gem in 2009. Since then I have released many packages. It’s been a long ride. A lot of things have changed in a Ruby gem manifest file. Some configuration options are no longer necessary. A few new options appeared. Despite having a Bundler to help you generate a new gemspec, there are still questions you need to answer for yourself. The net effect is that everyone seems to be a little bit unsure about what to include and what to keep out from their gem specification. None of the gemspecs you will see in the wild will be alike. Confusing, isn’t it?.
Piotr Murach - Writing a Ruby Gem Specification #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Piotr #Murach #Writing #Specification #gem https://rubyonrails.ba/link/piotr-murach-writing-a-ruby-gem-specification