Debugging silently failing compilation aka Webpacker can’t find application.js
After that I went on a typical programmer journey to find out what might be the issue. I went to google. Webpacker can’t find application.js was indeed a discovered error and yielded various Webpacker issues. Unfortunately nothing seemed like a fi...
How to Speed up Your Tests without Touching the Code
The larger the test suite the slower it gets. This is an obvious yet annying truth. In this article, I present a simple and generic technique for improving test suite performance (almost five-fold in my case) without touching the code base at all.
How To Upload A File To Amazon S3 Using From A Ruby Application?
You must be quite acquainted uploading files especially images S3 using Paperclip, CarrierWave etc., gems. But what if you just want to upload a file without any kind of pre / post processing or ActiveRecord integration? Paperclip, CarrierWave are...