Understanding webpacker.yml
16-Apr-2020 2218
Though Webpacker adds a layer of "convention over configuration" in regards to webpack integration with Rails, the need for configuration remains. In this post, I'll describe the role of the webpacker.yml file for Webpacker configuration.One of Webpacker's primary roles is helping Rails communicate with webpack.Here are some things both Rails and webpack need to know:Where are the source files located?What file types should be bundled?What's the destination for the bundle files?Should CSS be inserted dynamically via JavaScript or output as a separate file?What port should the webpack-dev-server listen on in development?That's where webpacker.yml comes in.
Understanding webpacker.yml #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Understanding #webpacker.yml #webpacker.yml https://rubyonrails.ba/link/understanding-webpacker-yml