Building a Slack App using Ruby and Sinatra
12-Mar-2019 275
My team at Runtime Revolution uses an in-house app for team management and other day-to-day chores. Recently, I was asked to integrate Slack’s Slash Commands into it.Being new to Ruby I accepted the challenge with added motivation and drive. This was a good side project to improve my Ruby skills.From the start, I wanted to create a small standalone app that could be easily integrated with our existing Rails application. There are a couple of web frameworks out there. Some offer Rails-like features, Hanami and Padrino, just to name a few. However, none offered the small footprint and modularity that Sinatra implies. So I went with Sinatra.
Building a Slack App using Ruby and Sinatra #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Building #Slack #using #Sinatra #sinatra