The underrated power of dry-schema | Hanami Mastery
21-Apr-2022 1177
dry-validation is the most popular gem from the whole collection of the DRY libraries, there is no doubt about it. Validating data incoming to the system is an extremely important thing to do well, and dry-validation is probably the best ruby gem to take care of that task.However, dry-validation consists of 2 big parts, one of which, and I think the bigger piece, is another gem, named dry-schema, and dry validation is a library built on top to extend dry-schema functionality by a few useful features.In this episode, I want to explicitly tell you about dry-schema and explain in what scenarios you could use it as a standalone validation engine.
The underrated power of dry-schema | Hanami Mastery #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #underrated #power #dry-schema #Hanami #Mastery #hanami