Optimizing Ruby’s JSON, Part 3 | byroot’s blog
27-Dec-2024 239
The default gems that ship with Ruby are automatically copied inside ruby/ruby’s repo. In short, there’s a bot aptly named matzbot, that replicates all the commits from the various ruby/* gems, inside ruby/ruby, and that’s what it did with my State#configure patch.
The reason is that Ruby runs on many different platforms and its CI tests many different compilers, in different versions, and also test builds with various compilation flags enabled to hopefully catch some subtle bugs, these gems will ultimately ship as part of Ruby, so they might as well, be tested together.
Optimizing Ruby’s JSON, Part 3 | byroot’s blog #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Optimizing #Ruby’s #JSON, #byroot’s #blog https://rubyonrails.ba/link/optimizing-ruby-s-json-part-3-byroot-s-blog