A vanilla Rails stack is plenty
20-Dec-2024 182
If you have the luxury of starting a new Rails app today, here’s our recommendation: go vanilla.
Fight hard before adding Ruby dependencies. Keep that Gemfile that Rails generates as close to the original one as possible.
Fight even harder before adding Javascript dependencies. You don’t need React or any other front-end frameworks, nor a JSON API to feed those.
Hotwire is a fantastic, pragmatic, and ridiculously productive technology for the front end. Use it.
The same goes for mobile apps: use Hotwire Native. With a hybrid approach you can combine the very same web app you have built with a wonderful native experience right where you want it. The productivity compared to a purely native approach is night and day.
A vanilla Rails stack is plenty #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #vanilla #Rails #stack #plenty https://rubyonrails.ba/link/a-vanilla-rails-stack-is-plenty