nezirz/ruby_webshot: Simple gem for making nice web shots with headless browser.
20-Dec-2019 1699
Simple gem for making nice web shots with headless browser. - nezirz/ruby_webshotI needed the webshot/screenshot functionality for one of my website and after trying few ruby gems currently available I found that they are not updated lately and that they are using depricated version of PhantomJs:webshotscreenshotAlso, I had an issue with produced image CSS formating when I used webshot gem.So, I decided to start building a gem for myself and to share for anyone who need something like this. The Ruby Webshot Gem use latest Webdrivers.
nezirz/ruby_webshot: Simple gem for making nice web shots with headless browser. #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #nezirz/ruby_webshot: #Simple #making #shots #headless #browser. #gem #web