Automated code reviews via mutation testing - semantic code coverage.
09-Sep-2021 1528
An automated code review tool, with a side effect of producing semantic code coverage metrics.Think of mutant as an expert developer that simplifies your code while making sure that all tests pass.That developer never has a bad day and is always ready to jump on your PR.Each reported simplification signifies either:A) A piece of code that does more than the tests ask for. You can probably use the simplified version of the code. OR:B) If you have a reason to not take the simplified version as it violates a requirement: There was no test that proves the extra requirement. Likely you are missing an important test for that requirement.
Automated code reviews via mutation testing - semantic code coverage. #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Automated #reviews #mutation #testing #semantic #coverage. #code #testing