Managing multiple databases in Rails 6
31-May-2019 1898
If you’ve worked with Ruby on Rails you likely have some understanding of how your database works with Rails, traditionally that has always meant specifying a single database per environment in your config/database.yml, possibly together with an environment setting like DATABASE_URL. Based on that configuration all reads and writes will access the database.With Rails 6 this is about to change, thanks to the work of Eileen M. Uchitelle together with contributors from GitHub, Basecamp and Shopify. In the upcoming Rails 6 (currently in RC1), you will be able to easily change which database server you are connecting to, to support a variety of scenarios such as using read replicas and splitting your database into dedicated components.
Managing multiple databases in Rails 6 #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Managing #multiple #databases #Rails #databases