Lightstorm: minimalistic Ruby compiler - The LLVM Project Blog
13-Dec-2024 197
Some time ago I was talking about an ahead-of-time Ruby compiler. We started the project with certain goals and hypotheses in mind, andSome time ago I was talking about an ahead-of-time Ruby compiler. We started the project with certain goals and hypotheses in mind, and while the original compiler is at nearly 90% completion, there are still those other 90% that needs to be done.
In the meantime, we decided to strip it down to a bare minimum and implement just enough features to validate the hypotheses.
Just like the original compiler we use MLIR to bridge the gap between Ruby VM’s bytecode and the codegen, but instead of targeting LLVM IR directly, we go through EmitC dialect and targeting C language, as it significantly simplifies OS/CPU support. We go into a bit more details later. while the original compiler is at nearly 90% completion, there are still those other 90% that needs to be done.
Lightstorm: minimalistic Ruby compiler - The LLVM Project Blog #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Lightstorm: #minimalistic #compiler #Project #blog #compiler