Cables vs. malloc_trim, or yet another Ruby memory usage benchmark
21-Mar-2019 2288
Memory usage has always been one of the most discussed performance-related topics in the Ruby community.Last week it got even more attention after Hongli Lai published his excellent "What causes Ruby memory bloat?" post.The author has proposed a very simple patch to Ruby's (MRI, to be precise) garbage collector: to add a call to malloc_trim at the very end of the full GC cycle and release some allocated memory back to the kernel.NOTE: to make the previous paragraph not sound all Greek to you, read the post by Hongli Lai—he did a really great job explaining complex things.
Cables vs. malloc_trim, or yet another Ruby memory usage benchmark #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Cables #malloc_trim, #another #memory #usage #benchmark #benchmark