Level Up Your Ruby Skillz: Writing Compact Code
26-Jun-2019 1811
We have all been there, we issue a Pull Request(PR) that we feel is super tight and awesome. It gets stamped "Approved", but there is a catch. Our code isn't actually as tight as we thought. We open up our PR to a bunch of very nice suggestions on how we could tighten up our code even more.This is VERY common when you are starting out and it is actually how I learned many of these tricks. Thanks to a lot of very good senior devs reading and commenting on my code from the very beginning, I have learned how to write pretty succinct code. But I will let you in on a secret, it never ends. I have been doing this for 7 years and I STILL get suggestions for how I can write better code.
Level Up Your Ruby Skillz: Writing Compact Code #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Level #Skillz: #Writing #Compact #code https://rubyonrails.ba/link/level-up-your-ruby-skillz-writing-compact-code