Interactive charts with Ruby on Rails, StimulusReflex, and ApexCharts ·
20-Sep-2022 1133
Building filterable, instantly updated interactive charts with Ruby on Rails 7, ApexCharts, and StimulusReflex.Every B2B web app eventually gets charts. Users love them, buyers love them, sales teams love them. Look at all this data! Look how pretty it is! Charts!I love charts too. So, let’s build a filterable pie chart with Rails and StimulusReflex. Our chart will rely on data from the database, and, because it is 2022, we will be able to update the chart as the user applies a filter without requiring a full page turn.To render our charts, we will use ApexCharts, but the technique shown in this article will work fine with any other frontend charting library, I just like ApexCharts.When we are finished, we will have a Rails app with a chart that looks like this:.
Interactive charts with Ruby on Rails, StimulusReflex, and ApexCharts · #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Interactive #charts #Rails, #StimulusReflex, #ApexCharts #stimulusreflex,