Integrate the new Stripe Checkout in Ruby on
23-Dec-2019 1657
Are you ready for Strong Customer Authentication?Since April 2019, Stripe provides a new Checkout service. Let's see how to integrate it step by step. I'll show you how to integrate the new Stripe Checkout service into your Rails application. This service allows us to seamlessly integrate a Stripe Checkout form, conform to the new Strong Customer Authentication EU regulation.As always, the Stripe documentation is great, but it took me a bit to understand what was the right approach for my situation. You can re-use this tutorial in any new Rails Application that sells a product. I'll not go into implementation details, but I'll simply suppose you know Rails and you know how to run a migration and manage your models. I'll just cover the parts to connect your system with Stripe.
Integrate the new Stripe Checkout in Ruby on #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Integrate #Stripe #Checkout #stripe