Ruby 3.3.0-preview2 Released
15-Sep-2023 982
We are pleased to announce the release of Ruby 3.3.0-preview2. Ruby 3.3 adds a new pure-Ruby JIT compiler named RJIT, uses Lrama as a parser generator, and many performance improvements especially YJIT.RJITIntroduced a pure-Ruby JIT compiler RJIT and replaced MJIT.RJIT supports only x86_64 architecture on Unix platforms.Unlike MJIT, it doesn’t require a C compiler at runtime.RJIT exists only for experimental purposes.You should keep using YJIT in production.If you are interested in developing JIT for Ruby, please check out k0kubun’s presentation on Day 3 of RubyKaigi.
Ruby 3.3.0-preview2 Released #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #3.3.0-preview2 #Released