How Much Do You Save With Ruby 2.7 Memory Compaction?
15-Feb-2020 1673
If you read this blog recently, you may have seen that Ruby Memory Compaction in 2.7 doesn’t affect the speed of Rails Ruby Bench much. That’s fair - RRB isn’t a great way to see that because of how it works. Indeed, Nate Berkopec and others have criticised RRB for that very thing.I think RRB is still a pretty useful benchmark, but I see their point. It is not an example of a typical Rails deployment, and you could write a great benchmark centred around the idea of “how many requests can you process at most without compromising latency at all?” RRB is not that benchmark.
How Much Do You Save With Ruby 2.7 Memory Compaction? #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Memory #Compaction?