Hotwire Native: Hotwire Native is a web-first framework for building native mobile apps.
03-Dec-2024 190
Hotwire Native provides an answer to all of these drawbacks with its web-first approach. The framework enables you to build your screens once, in HTML and CSS, and reuse them across every platform. If you already have a Hotwire web app, you can use the screens you've already built!
It unlocks bug fixes and new features without having to go through app store review. And you have full access to underlying iOS and Android SDKs and APIs as soon as they are released.
Hotwire Native: Hotwire Native is a web-first framework for building native mobile apps. #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Hotwire #Native: #Hotwire #Native #web-first #framework #building #native #mobile #apps. #framework #hotwire #web-first