RubyWorld Conference 2020 will be held online on December 17th(Thu), 2020 at 12: 00 JST (03:00 UTC) | RubyWorld Conference 2020
11-Dec-2020 2292
The RubyWorld Conference 2020 is approaching.It will be held online on December 17th(Thu), 2020 from 12: 00 to 18: 25 JST.You can watch the sessions on the official YouTube channel of the RubyWorld Conference. (No registration required, participation fee is free)There are 11 sessions, including keynote speech by Yukihiro Matsumoto and David Heinemeier Hansson.Keynote12:20-12:50 Yukihiro Matsumoto17:40-18:10 David Heinemeier Hansson (Yukihiro Matsumoto will be interviewing David Heinemeier Hansson).
RubyWorld Conference 2020 will be held online on December 17th(Thu), 2020 at 12: 00 JST (03:00 UTC) | RubyWorld Conference 2020 #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #RubyWorld #Conference #online #December #17th(Thu), #(03:00 #RubyWorld #Conference