Hotwire in Rails 6.1 - A First Look At CRUD With A Hands-On Todo List
21-Apr-2021 1314
Hotwire is brand new in Ruby on Rails 6.1, and today we're going to be taking a look at it. I like to learn things as hands-on as possible, so for my first look, I decided to create a CRUD application. This naturally meant making a todo list!We start by adding Redis and Hotwire, as well as bootstrap by using Then we move onto actually working with Hotwire, Action Cable, Stimulus, and Turbo.This video wouldn't have been possible without the wonderful resources that Chris from GoRails has created, which includes RailsBytes! Go check out @GoRails and his tutorial on HotWire at:.
Hotwire in Rails 6.1 - A First Look At CRUD With A Hands-On Todo List #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Hotwire #Rails #First #Hands-On #crud #hotwire