Comparing App Server Performance
14-Dec-2020 1383
Puma is not faster than any other Ruby application server.There! I said it. I'm a maintainer of the project, and yet I don't think it's all that fast. Actually, I think Puma is probably a little bit slower than other app servers.But, what does the word "fast" mean in this context?Usually when we're talking about fast we mean latency: how long it takes to do a particular action. So, in the context of an app server, we mean "how long does it take this app server to serve a trivial response". A trivial response would be a "hello world" app. In Rack terms, something like:lambda { |env| [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, ["Hello World"]] }Now, I've done this benchmark with Puma, and it turns out it takes Puma about 100 microseconds to serve that response. That means that 1 Puma process can serve 1/0.0001 requests per second in this scenario, or about 10,000 requests per second. Great!.
Comparing App Server Performance #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Comparing #Server #Performance #performance #server