Climbing Steep hills, or adopting Ruby 3 types with RBS
29-Dec-2020 1744
With Ruby 3.0 just around the corner, let’s take a look at one of the highlights of the upcoming release: Ruby Type Signatures. Yes, types are coming to our favorite dynamic language! Let’s see how to take advantage of them by adding types to a real-world open source project and looking at the finer points of the process.It is not the first time I cover Ruby types: about a year ago, I had the first taste of Sorbet and shared my experience in the very same Martian blog. At the end of my Sorbet post, I promised to give another Ruby type checker a try: Steep. So, here I am, paying my debts!.
Climbing Steep hills, or adopting Ruby 3 types with RBS #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Climbing #Steep #hills, #adopting #types #types