Unveiling the big leap in Ruby 3.3’s IRB | Rails at Scale
12-Jan-2024 850
In this blog post, we will delve into the major enhancements introduced in Ruby 3.3’s IRB, as well as what’s currently planned for the next year.In a nutshell, Ruby 3.3’s IRB offers improved debugging capabilities, an enhanced autocompletion experience, and an overall improved user experience.It’s worth noting that even if you don’t upgrade to Ruby 3.3 immediately, you can still install the same version of IRB (v1.11.0) in any Ruby 2.7 projects by adding gem "irb" to its Gemfile.
Unveiling the big leap in Ruby 3.3’s IRB | Rails at Scale #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Unveiling #3.3’s #Rails #Scale https://rubyonrails.ba/link/unveiling-the-big-leap-in-ruby-3-3-s-irb-rails-at-scale