Benchmarking a Go AI in Ruby: CRuby vs. Rubinius vs. JRuby vs. Truffle – a year later
27-Jan-2017 3254
A little more than a year ago I published a blog post benchmarking different ruby implementations against a bot that plays Go which I wrote. Now a little than a year later (~13.5 months) let's see how the different contestants have improved in the time passed. This question becomes increasingly
Benchmarking a Go AI in Ruby: CRuby vs. Rubinius vs. JRuby vs. Truffle – a year later #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Benchmarking #a #Go #AI #in #Ruby: #CRuby #vs. #Rubinius #vs. #JRuby #vs. #Truffle #– #a #year #later #ai #benchmarking #jruby