Strada: Create high fidelity native interactions driven by your web app.
20-Sep-2023 1905
Strada enables you to create fully native controls in your hybrid mobile apps, driven by the web. Build web components and native components that work together in WebView screens to elevate your Turbo Native apps to the next level.Strada Web enables you to use your existing HTML to create web components that send and respond to messages with components in your native apps.Strada iOS and Strada Android enable you to create native components that receive and reply to messages from web components that are present on the page. All without writing any JavaScript in your native apps.Strada components leverage Stimulus and works seamlessly with Turbo web and Turbo Native apps.
Strada: Create high fidelity native interactions driven by your web app. #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Strada: #Create #fidelity #native #interactions #driven #web