Ruby2JS: an extensible Ruby to modern JavaScript transpiler
Ruby2JS is for Ruby developers who want to produce JavaScript that looks hand-crafted, rather than machine generated. You can convert Ruby-like syntax and semantics as cleanly and “natively” as possible. This means that (most of the time) you’ll g...
Shopify/yjit: Optimizing JIT compiler built inside CRuby
Optimizing JIT compiler built inside CRuby. Contribute to Shopify/yjit development by creating an account on GitHub.Ruby is an interpreted object-oriented programming language often used for web development. It also offers many scripting features ...
Python vs Ruby For Web Development: Technology Comparison
Although Python and Ruby demonstrate great performance, Ruby tends to run computer programs twice faster than Python. In the competition of Python vs Ruby executing benchmark programs, Ruby completes the task twice faster than Python. It takes 567...