Using Hanami after a decade building Rails apps

I remember exactly where I was when I first watched DHH's Blog in 15 Minutes video. At the time, I wa... Tagged with hanami, rails, ruby, webdev.I spent the next couple years of my life working a Java job while learning Ruby on Rails on the side. Eventually, I learned enough to make the career leap from Java to Rails and I spent the subsequent 10 years working on Rails apps.Recently, I had an idea for a side project, and I decided to build it with Hanami instead of Rails. I chose Hanami for a few reasons:I had some extra free time and wanted to learn something newMy Rails apps have lately been trending towards the use of lots of small POROs and service objectsThe architecture of a Hanami app feels like a natural progression from Rails.
Using Hanami after a decade building Rails apps #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #hanami

Nezir Zahirovic

Contractor Ruby On Rails (8+ years) / MCPD .Net / C# / Asp.Net / CSS / SQL / (11 years)

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