TIL: Queuing Sidekiq workers safely with the help of Isolator

Listening to a recent episode of the thoughtbot podcast, The Bike Shed, one of the hosts talked about a couple of gems that they'd come across that seemed pretty handy to me.The first is isolator, a gem by the folks over at Evil Martians that detects non-atomic interactions within a database transaction. What do we mean by that? A simple example taken from the documentation that uses background jobs is something like the following:.
TIL: Queuing Sidekiq workers safely with the help of Isolator #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #sidekiq https://rubyonrails.ba/single/til-queuing-sidekiq-workers-safely-with-the-help-of-isolator

Nezir Zahirovic

Contractor Ruby On Rails (8+ years) / MCPD .Net / C# / Asp.Net / CSS / SQL / (11 years)

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