Ruby 3 is released - The list of Ruby 3 features | BigBinary Blog

This blog is part of our Ruby 3.0 series.For all Rubyists, 2020 was a special year. Why wouldn't it be? Ruby 2 was released in 2013. We have been using Ruby 2.x for almost 7 years and we have been waiting to see Ruby 3 get released. Finally, the wait is over now. Ruby 3.0.0 has been released. It's time to unwrap the gift box and see all the Ruby 3 features we got.
Ruby 3 is released - The list of Ruby 3 features | BigBinary Blog #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #bigbinary #blog

Nezir Zahirovic

Contractor Ruby On Rails (8+ years) / MCPD .Net / C# / Asp.Net / CSS / SQL / (11 years)

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