An Unofficial Active Admin Guide

Recently I bumped into Rails Survey 2020 results and saw the top 10 gems frustrate one the most. On the 5th place, there was the Active Admin gem. I would not say this was an unexpected result. I often come across the opinion that Active Admin is only suitable for a 15-minute blog, but there is much. Recently I bumped into Rails Survey 2020 results and saw the top 10 gems frustrate one the most. On the 5th place, there was the Active Admin gem. I would not say this was an unexpected result. I often come across the opinion that Active Admin is only suitable for a 15-minute blog, but there is much more with this library.Here are some approaches my colleagues and I take when working with Active Admin.
An Unofficial Active Admin Guide #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #active #guide

Nezir Zahirovic

Contractor Ruby On Rails (8+ years) / MCPD .Net / C# / Asp.Net / CSS / SQL / (11 years)

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