4 tips on how to make more out of Sidekiq

Without a doubt, Sidekiq is one of the most popular Ruby gems. Next to Shoryuken and Resque its main purpose is processing background jobs. Almost every Ruby application I have worked with had sidekiq listed in its Gemfile. In this article, I would like to share some insights that I have learned about over time that may make your Sidekiq setup more efficient.
4 tips on how to make more out of Sidekiq #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #sidekiq https://rubyonrails.ba/single/4-tips-on-how-to-make-more-out-of-sidekiq

Nezir Zahirovic

Contractor Ruby On Rails (8+ years) / MCPD .Net / C# / Asp.Net / CSS / SQL / (11 years)

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