You don’t need services (whatever this word means) | Grainy dinosaurs
24-Nov-2023 898
Last Sunday, I had the pleasure to attend one of Jason Swett’s online meetups. This time, Jason had put his consultant hat on, and was helping a cheerful developer, Duncan, fix his app. Having played the role of the consultant myself quite often, watching someone else’s approach was really interesting, so thank you Jason for this opportunity.However, even more interesting was Duncan’s problem, and tentative solution. The Rails app he works on has become a bit too big, convoluted, a suffers from performance issues. To remedy this, Duncan and his teammates have started extracting pieces of this monoliths to services.
You don’t need services (whatever this word means) | Grainy dinosaurs #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #don’t #services #(whatever #means) #Grainy #dinosaurs #services