Why you should be hosting your Rails apps through Hatchbox
27-Mar-2019 1924
Hosting Rails apps is not necessarily hard, but setting up your infrastructure is time-consuming and repetitive. That’s why Heroku is such a great service. A couple of clicks, point it at your Git repo, and boom - your app is hosted. Truly painless deployment… that is until you look at your bank balance because man does it get pricey.At Add Jam, we were using Heroku quite heavily to host side projects and experiments such as Profile Collage. These projects were learning pieces for us — not about making money — but all together they were costing us more than £300 per month for ‘painless’ hosting. We needed a different approach.
Why you should be hosting your Rails apps through Hatchbox #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #should #hosting #Rails #through #Hatchbox https://rubyonrails.ba/link/why-you-should-be-hosting-your-rails-apps-through-hatchbox