Why You Might Not Want to Run `Rails App:update`
29-Sep-2023 733
At FastRuby.io, we don’t always run rails app:update opens a new window in our process to upgrade Rails apps.It might seem like a sacrilege - after all, that’s why the task was created, to make upgrading Rails as painless as possible, right? But we have found while upgrading dozens of applications that running rails app:update isn’t the best idea in all situations.In this article, you will learn what rails app:update does, when it should not be used, and how to upgrade your Rails app without it.Note: In Rails versions before 5.0, rails app:update was called rake rails:update.
Why You Might Not Want to Run `Rails App:update` #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Might #`Rails #App:update` https://rubyonrails.ba/link/why-you-might-not-want-to-run-rails-app-update