What Would It Take for Roda to Win? | Fullstack Ruby
10-Jun-2022 1105
I have a confession to make. I have fallen in love with Roda. What is Roda, you may ask? Well I’m glad you asked, because I’m here to tell you all about it. 🤓Roda is a web toolkit—which is basically another way of saying it’s a web framework. But the reason the author of Roda, Jeremy Evans, likes to call it a toolkit is because it’s really the thing you use to construct the thing you need to build a web application. You start with a toolkit, and end up with a framework: the precise framework your application truly requires.Roda’s stated goals are simplicity, reliability, extensibility, and performance. And those are the very reasons why I have become a Roda stan.Let me elaborate.
What Would It Take for Roda to Win? | Fullstack Ruby #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Would #Fullstack https://rubyonrails.ba/link/what-would-it-take-for-roda-to-win-fullstack-ruby