What's Cooking in Rails 7?
29-Apr-2021 1580
A new version of Rails always brings new and exciting features. This writeup takes a look at some of the things Rails 7 has in store for us.To find these examples, I dug through the Changelogs and selected some of the features that have me most excited so far, primarily based on how I currently use Rails.I encourage you to do the same - you may find something awesome that impacts a feature you use regulary or provides functionality you've been lying awake at night fantasizing about.For each feature, I have included the PR that introduced it and the GitHub user who submitted the PR.Note that several of these features have followup PRs from people making essential contributions by updating documentation, adding changelog entries, tweaking implementations, etc. If you are one of those folks, please know that while you're not given explicit credit here, we are very grateful for all you do! 🙏.
What's Cooking in Rails 7? #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #What's #Cooking #Rails https://rubyonrails.ba/link/what-s-cooking-in-rails-7