What level of test coverage should I shoot for?
05-Nov-2020 2061
“What level of test coverage should I shoot for?” is one of the questions most commonly asked by beginners to Rails testing.My answer is that you shouldn’t shoot for a particular level of test coverage. I recommend that instead you make testing a habitual part of your development workflow. A healthy level of test coverage will flow from there.I also want to address why people ask this question. I think people ask this because they want some way of knowing whether they’re testing “enough” or doing testing “right”. Test coverage is one way of measuring this but I think there are better, more meaningful ways.I think that if you’re feeling the kinds of pains that missing tests leave in their absence, then you need more tests. If you’re not feeling those kinds of pains, then you’re good.
What level of test coverage should I shoot for? #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #level #coverage #should #shoot #test https://rubyonrails.ba/link/what-level-of-test-coverage-should-i-shoot-for