"We don't have time to write tests"
29-Nov-2018 2560
I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard some variation of “we would have written tests for this but we didn’t have time.” Let’s unpack the meaning of this statement.The hidden (fallacious) beliefs behind “no time for tests”If I say I didn’t write tests due to lack of time, I must view tests as something “extra”. Tests are an extra thing that take up time but aren’t strictly necessary. The real work of course is the feature development itself, writing application code. If I write tests for my code I can finish in 10 hours but if I skip the tests I can finish in 6 hours. So by excluding tests, I’m making the responsible choice for the business and focusing only on what’s essential.If I’m thinking this way, I’m fooling myself.
"We don't have time to write tests" #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #don't #write #tests" #tests" https://rubyonrails.ba/link/we-don-t-have-time-to-write-tests