Using Different Size Pools - Pat Shaughnessy
15-Feb-2025 39
The Ruby team has done a tremendous amount of work over the past decade on Ruby's garbage collection (GC) implementation. In fact, Ruby's new GC is one of the key reasons Ruby 3 is so much faster than Ruby 2. To bring all of this work to light, I decided to rewrite Chapter 12 from scratch, covering garbage collection in Ruby more accurately and in more depth. But then, after a few months, I realized I had gotten carried away and wrote too much material for one chapter. So the updated book will have two new chapters on garbage collection: one on garbage collection basics and a second new chapter on incremental and generational garbage collection. Here's a small excerpt.
Using Different Size Pools - Pat Shaughnessy #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Using #Different #Pools #Shaughnessy