Understanding The bcrypt Hashing Function And Its Role in Rails.
03-Feb-2021 1491
You may have implemented authentication in one of your apps, either directly with Rails’s has_secure_password or indirectly through a gem like Devise. Whichever way, you persisted user passwords in some way.How are passwords securely stores in a database then? Let’s examine the underlining technology that safely stored user passwords in a framework like Ruby on Rails.In a Ruby on Rails console, if you’re using say Devise and you query a user with a password, you’ll see something the looks like gibberish.
Understanding The bcrypt Hashing Function And Its Role in Rails. #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Understanding #bcrypt #Hashing #Function #Rails. https://rubyonrails.ba/link/understanding-the-bcrypt-hashing-function-and-its-role-in-rails