Throttling database load with Vitess
13-May-2021 2481
In his Percona Live 2020 talk, Shlomi Noach pointed out that he sees Vitess is an infrastructure framework that would let everyone get database capabilities that you’d otherwise have to build yourself.At Shopify, we’ve built our own system that lets us keep track of database health and replication lag, to throttle clients (mostly, background jobs) accordingly. It took us quite a bit of efforts to build that and to make it work at scale to handle 1000s of MySQL hosts.I’m really excited about technologies like Vitess (and its direction as an infrastructure framework) that could bring capabilities like throttling database operations to everyone, not just to large companies like Shopify and Github that had resources to invest into a custom solution.
Throttling database load with Vitess #ruby #rubydeveloper #rubyonrails #Throttling #database #Vitess #database #vitess